Sometimes, in spite of making your best attempt to take good care of your gums and teeth, problems arise that require specialized dental procedures. Once your gums become infected or damaged, they should to be treated with a cosmetic dentistry Houston provides such as an oral surgeon. Fortunately, there a number of modern procedures that can be used to treat problems with your gums. Without treatment, the problem will get worse and soon lead to problems with your teeth, mouth and jawbone. Gum surgery is primarily done to help reinstate the health of your gums. Some of the most common reasons for gum surgery include removing excess gums for more tooth exposure and reshaping the gums.

Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty

A gingivectomy is when the gingiva or gum tissue is surgically removed. Gingivoplasty is when the gum tissue around your teeth is surgically reshaped.

What is a Gingivectomy Used for?

Originally, a gingivectomy was used as a treatment for periodontal disease; however, today it frequently used as a cosmetic procedure. You may require cosmetic dentistry in Houston for a gingivectomy if pockets or gaps have formed between the teeth and gums. The pockets trap particles of food, which promotes the growth of bacteria that can cause further damage to the gums and teeth. A gingivectomy is also used to remove excess gum tissue from around your teeth. The excess gum may make it difficult to thoroughly clean between your teeth as well as interfere with your speech and/or eating.

What is Gingivoplasty Used for?

Gingivoplasty is often used to reshape your gums, which will make the gums look more natural. This procedure is also used to correct badly formed gums, asymmetrical gums, trauma to the gums or for cosmetic purposes.

Gingival Flap Surgery

A gingival flap procedure is done by separating the teeth from the gums, in order for the dentist to temporarily fold back the gum tissue in order to reach the bone and root of the tooth. This procedure is used to treat periodontitis (gum disease). Gingival flap surgery is usually recommended for those with moderate to advanced periodontitis. Typically before a gingival flap procedure is done, the dentist will often try a procedure known as scaling and root planing. If the gum infection is not removed during the scaling and root planing, gingival flap surgery may be required in order to remove all of the infection.

Gum Contouring

Gum reshaping is also known as crown lengthening and/or gum contouring, is a cosmetic dental procedure used to improve the look of your teeth. This procedure is often done when patients have a “gummy smile”; a condition in which the gums cover too much of the teeth, making the teeth look too short. A gummy smile can interfere with a persons’ desire to smile. When gum contouring is done for cosmetic reasons, it typically has a positive impact on the persons’ self-confidence.

Soft Tissue Graft

When tooth roots are exposed due to gums that are receding, gum graft surgery is used to repair the defective gum, which is beneficial for preventing additional recession as well as the risk of bone loss. A gum graft can be used to cover the roots of a tooth or as a way to develop gum tissue when there is excessive absence of the gum. During this procedure, the oral surgeon will remove gum tissue from your palate or from another donor source and use the gum tissue to cover the exposed root. Soft tissue grafts can be done for one or more teeth to reduce sensitivity and to even the gum line.

Although gum surgery is used for a number of reasons, the most common reason is due to gum disease. It is extremely important to get in the habit of practicing good oral hygiene, which includes brushing twice each day and flossing at least once a day. It is also important to schedule routine visits with your dentist for cleanings and checkups. The sooner the dentist discovers damages on the gums, the easier the treatment may be.

As a necessary part in keeping your teeth healthy, take a moment and contact us to schedule an appointment today.