Being a parent in Texas is an awesome experience until a child suffers from an accident that leads to dental trauma. Dental trauma in children is normal and up to fifty percent of children will experience a mouth or tooth injury. When children are in need of dental implants Houston is a city where parents can easily find leading experts in dental implant technology. 

Having a child burst into the house with a broken tooth and cut mouth or tongue can be rather scary. Children can experience an injury to the inside of the mouth when running, playing sports, fighting, or tripping with pencils and other dangerous objects in their mouths. Teaching children how to avoid dental trauma is something that should be done as soon as they are old enough to comprehend the lesson.

When teaching a child about dental and mouth injuries, it is important to teach them to never put anything in their mouths besides food or drinks. Tripping while walking or running with objects in their mouths is a leading cause of mild to severe oral injuries. Since the main carotid artery is close to the back of the throat, teaching children to keep things out of their mouths could potentially save their lives.

Many oral injuries are harmless and heal on their own without having to involve a medical or dental expert. Due to the scary scenario of a bleeding mouth or dental injury, it can be difficult to know when professional help is needed. When an injured child is losing a considerable amount of blood after 10 minutes of applying pressure to the wound, it is wise to seek medical attention.

Other symptoms such as damaged or missing teeth, having objects stuck into the skin inside of the mouth, severe pain, deep cuts, as well as weakness, blurred vision, and slurred speech, are all obvious indications that medical help is needed. When confused whether or not a child needs immediate help, it is best to contact a medical professional by phone to seek advice. Generally if the above listed symptoms are present parents should seek help immediately.

The manner in which dental trauma is handled often depends upon whether the tooth is a primary or permanent tooth. If a tooth is knocked out, placing it back into the cavity immediately within an hour of loss can help prevent the permanent loss of the tooth. Unfortunately returning the tooth to its socket is not always successful; this is when repairs and dental implants may have to be considered.

It is a great idea to have a relationship built with a Houston dentist that specializes in dental implants before the need for an implant ever arises. Knowing that a dentist is capable of making excellent repairs to broken or missing permanent teeth is reassuring when struck with a dental trauma crisis. A smile is priceless, and so are the repairs and dental implants Houston dentists perform to ensure children a healthy and happy smile for years to come.

Contacting OMSH, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of Houston, and making an appointment is an excellent way of establishing yourself should a dental trauma crisis occur!