It has become a popular course of action to replace teeth with dental implants as needed. Of course dentures offer a quick, inexpensive solution for missing teeth, but when choosing dental implants Houston experts agree their longevity trumps any cheaper replacement.  Undoubtedly, implants offer the best dental solution that can protect against bone loss and gives improved support to your facial structure, while dentures do not.

A dentist will begin by surgically inserting titanium screws into the jaw bone, in which prosthetic teeth are secured to the screw. The appearance of the implants is natural and do not alter your communication or cause any embarrassment, a typical dilemma with dentures. Implants also help improve the gums and bone. In fact, the general preference among patients is implants because the overall maintenance is much easier and they provide several benefits over dentures…

  • Facing facial collapse

The body will quickly realize that space is empty without any structure in the gums. When this occurs, the body will reabsorb the bone, since it’s no longer being used. Once re-absorption of the jawbone begins, the facial skeleton begins to collapse.

  • How dental implants help you prevent facial collapse

Dental implants have become the preferred solution when it comes to teeth restoration and overall oral care. When teeth are anchored into the jawbone it keeps your jaw intact and sends a message to the body that there are roots embedded and teeth intact. The body continues supporting your jawbone for the lifetime of your implants.

Choosing a credentialed professional is a crucial part of your dental procedure. Don’t settle on a procedure based on cost alone. Many patients choose to have cheap implants done, not fully understanding what’s at stake; you can have affordable implants inserted without taking the risk of errors causing an imperfect smile later on.

Are you a candidate for Dental Implants?

Implants are not suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, immune deficiencies or cancer. Patients that suffer with periodontal disease often require other options, including treatments, before proceeding with implants. Both the dentist and surgeon evaluate each patient to review the gum tissue, and bone density, and ensure the implant will be a success.

In addition, it is advisable that patients who smoke quit the habit before undergoing any implant procedures because smokers face the risk of implant failure. It is also important to remember that every individual’s case is different so contacting a reliable oral surgeon such as OMSH is always the first step to discovering if dental implants are right for you.

The Key Advantages of Choosing Dental Implants Over Dentures

As we grow older the foundational bones supporting our face recede, which affects our natural proportion. In addition, here are several other benefits dental implants can provide:

  • Facial sagging is diminished since implants provide more support for the jawbone
  • Implants provide better structure, whereas dentures or bridges are ill-fitting
  • Implants replicate the natural shape of your facial structure because they fuse to the jawbone, creating a more natural appearance that is undetectable to others
  • Dental implants are durable and unlike dentures very little maintenance is required.

The important thing to keep in mind is that although you may not be able to avoid losing teeth as you age, you can prevent drastic changes to your appearance by investing in dental implants. If you think dental implants are the best option, contact one of the top surgeons for dental implants Houston has available.

For consultation or to set up an appointment, contact OMSH today and start benefitting from all the ways that dental implants can enhance your health and mind!