Misconceptions and myths about the teeth abound. Although some are based in fact, others seem to be purely imaginative such as the Tooth Fairy. Yet, somehow these myths took on a life of their own. However, the best information about teeth is found from authoritative sources such what an oral surgeon Houston doctor provides. Still, it’s fun to know what is fact and what is fiction.

Teeth Whitening is Permanent

Many people think that whitening teeth is a one time effort that you never have to do again. This is untrue. As long as you continue to eat foods or drink beverages, you will stain your teeth. It’s important to whiten your teeth either at home or at a dentist’s office whenever you notice your teeth have become a dingy in color.

Milk Saves a Lost Tooth

Many people believe that milk is a good way to preserve a knocked-out tooth. They’re right, although there are a few other ways to preserve the tooth before it’s reimplanted. After rinsing off the tooth you can put it back into the socket or you can hold it in your cheek. (Just be certain not to swallow it.) The reason milk works is that it contains nutrients such as protein and sugar that are good for the lost tooth.

George Washington Had Wooden Teeth

George Washington lost many of his teeth due to diseases, but he never had wooden teeth. He did have false teeth. A naval doctor who was a pioneer in dentistry fashioned a plate of false teeth and real teeth held together by wires and springs. This is probably the forerunner of modern-day dentures. The false teeth were made from gold and other metals. Washington found this plate very uncomfortable to wear and it forced his mouth open.

Brushing and Flossing Make Gums Bleed

This is a myth. The truth is that brushing and flossing your teeth regularly help to reduce or stop bleeding gums. The gums bleed because there is plaque inflaming the gum line. With gentle brushing and flossing, you remove the tiny food particles at the gum line that are turning into plaque and irritating the gums. With really clean and healthy teeth, the gums don’t bleed at all.

Too Many Sweets Rot the Teeth

Although too many sugary foods are generally not good for you, these foods don’t destroy the teeth. The fact is that the bacteria in the mouth feeds on these sugary carbohydrates and creates acid. It’s this acid that wears away the tooth enamel. The longer the sweets are in your mouth (such as with gum or hard candy) the more opportunity the bacteria has to interact with the sugar and produce acid. The solution is to brush your teeth after eating anything sweet.

Myths about the teeth can cause problems because people don’t know the right thing to do. However, it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist or oral surgeon to find out how best to care for your teeth. Contact OMSH today for more information!