If you are scheduled to have your wisdom teeth extracted, now is a good time to start planning for your surgical success.  A great surgeon will have a huge impact on the success of your surgery, but as the patient, there are steps that you can take to ensure that you bounce back from oral surgery as well as possible.

A tooth with the facebook logo on it.Simple Tips for Success

While wisdom teeth extraction is a very common surgery, care must be taken to ensure that you recover as well as possible.  Preparing and following some simple tips can help keep you comfortable and ensure you recover in as little time as possible.

  • Ask questions. Before you meet with your oral surgeon prepare a list of questions that you have so you know what to expect.  Knowing what to expect can help you alleviate anxiety ahead of time, so you are as mentally prepared for the surgical experience as possible.
  • Fill medications. If your oral surgeon mentions filling pain medication or antibiotics, ask them about filling the prescriptions ahead of time.  This will allow you to have the medications ready to take as soon as you arrive home.
  • Go shopping. Before your surgery, you should discuss what foods are ideal for you to eat in the first few days after surgery.  Having these foods available when you come home will allow you to focus on healing and while eating foods that will not disrupt the healing process.
  • Make time to heal. Wisdom teeth extraction is one of the most common surgeries, with more than 10 million extractions taking place in the United States alone every year.  While it is a common surgical procedure, it is still surgery and you need to allow yourself time to heal.  You should make sure that you have at least 3-4 days with uncomplicated cases to rest when needed. Rushing back into your daily life will slow healing and make you more prone to unwanted complications.
  • Listen to aftercare directions. Your oral surgeon will provide you with very specific aftercare directions based on your unique wisdom teeth extraction. Many patients find that they run into problems when they deviate from the specific aftercare plans that they are given.  If well-intentioned friends and family give you advice that deviates from the plan, let them know that you need to observe the guidelines for your specific case.  Adhering to the plan is your best chance for post-operative success.

As you can see, most of these are very simple tips that are easy to follow, but these tips can also help set you up for success.  While having your wisdom teeth removed can be nerve-racking, when you are well prepared you’ll find that in just a few days you’ll be back to normal, living without the pain that often comes with wisdom teeth.

Looking for an Oral Surgeon to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth?  OMSH Can Help!

OMSH is proud to offer the services of the best oral surgeons in The Greater Houston Area.  Our team would be happy to meet with you and discuss your specific issues and create a plan for successful removal.  Call us today at 713-338-9022 for a consultation!