If you are going to have oral surgery, you may be feeling a bit nervous about it.  While no one wants to have surgery, it is often necessary for your overall health and to reduce pain and restore confidence.  When you are as prepared as possible for surgery, your anxiety calms and you can get through the process and begin healing much more easily.

A tooth with the facebook logo on it.

Talk to Your Oral Surgeon

If you are feeling nervous, talk to your oral surgeon.  Ask them what you should expect before, during, and after the procedure.  Discuss the procedure and whether you will be awake for it or if you will be asleep.  If you will be awake, do not be afraid to ask what you will feel, if anything. Knowing what will happen can put your mind at ease.

Prepare for Post-Surgery Transportation

Even if you will not be asleep for your oral surgery, you may want to consider having someone take you and pick you up from your appointment.  You may be uncomfortable afterward and having someone drive you home can be comforting.  Also, knowing that you don’t have to worry about driving yourself to and from the appointment can help you stay calm.

Know Post-Surgical Guidelines

Before surgery, talk to your oral surgeon about what the guidelines are going to be for eating, drinking, and smoking.  This will allow you to plan for meals and know how to take care of yourself.  If you need to buy any special supplies, you can do this ahead of time and simply focus on healing.  When you are aware of the guidelines, you also ensure that you are taking the best care of yourself possible, reducing the likelihood of complications.

Know When to Cancel

While putting off oral surgery is never the best option, if you are sick sometimes it cannot be avoided.  While a slight cough or allergies shouldn’t delay oral surgery, if you develop a fever or vomiting you need to contact your surgeon.  In these situations, it is usually best to delay the surgery until you are fever-free.

OMSH Will Put Your Mind At Ease

Oral surgery is what we do.  We understand if you have anxiety about your upcoming procedure.  We will discuss your concerns and will let you know what will happen every step of the way.  Your comfort is our priority and we will help you to be prepared as possible, but we will be by your side every step of the way.  Pre-op, post-op, and COVID-19 concerns can all be addressed so you can enter into your surgery as confidently as possible.   Call us today at 713-568-6735 so we can discuss your oral surgery needs!