Most students don’t think about wisdom teeth extractions during their summer fun. Yet, in actuality, it’s one of the best times to consider the procedure, especially before school starts.  Here at OMSH, we see many high school and college students in the summer. The mad rush, in fact, usually takes place in August. So, if you’re molars are becoming problematic and you’re dealing with pain and infection, consider dental extraction before school starts.

Why Students Need Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Most teens around the age of 17 and young adults will experience growth of their back molars, known as wisdom teeth. Unfortunately, pain and infection (pericoronitis) are also common occurrences while your molars are erupting. Additionally, other troublesome issues, like impaction and formation of cysts, can further affect other teeth, nerves, dental bone, and gums. When these things occur, you’ll want an oral maxillofacial surgeon to properly evaluate the growth condition of your wisdom teeth.

The Importance of a Summer Oral Exam

At OMSH, we use x-rays and sometimes a CAT scan to view your teeth and help you decide when and if we should perform an extraction. The images taken during your examination help show and confirm if the molars are crowding neighboring teeth, gums, and bone. Furthermore, they help us determine if your wisdom teeth are problematic.

Fortunately, most dental patients are familiar with the term, “impacted†as it refers to wisdom teeth. They often grow in sideways instead of erupting straight up and out of the gums. Impacted molars are, in fact, good candidates for wisdom teeth extractions. During your examination, the oral surgeon will confirm if keeping your growing molars could lead to decay and pain.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions Before School Starts

With today’s innovative technology, it’s become easier for oral surgeons to perform simple extraction procedures and remove wisdom teeth. Fortunately, this is great news for students because all you’ll need is two to three days of recovery time. Most patients require only an injection of local anesthesia for dental extraction; then, others may need sedation if the extraction is extensive.

If you consider oral surgery before the school year begins, work with your surgeon to schedule the procedure at least a week or two in advance.  For example, if your procedure requires stitches, you will want to give yourself adequate time to recover. Most patients will experience some swelling and will need to carefully follow all the aftercare instructions.  The weeks leading to the start of the school year are ideal times to best tend to this matter.

Aftercare & Recovery Time

After your procedure, you’ll bite on gauzes until the bleeding stops. Then you will place ice packs on your face in increments for the rest of the operative day. On the second day, you can use warm compresses as needed, and rinse five to eight times with saltwater. Lastly, you’ll need to rest with your head elevated above your heart, and eat soft foods for several days. At OMSH, we provide a full set of aftercare instructions and highly recommend that each patient follows them to reach full recovery.

For more information, please contact OMSH online, or call us directly at 832-509-4505.