Memorial Day is fast approaching, and if you’re dealing with a toothache or gum pain, you won’t have much fun. Perhaps you’re in need of a wisdom tooth extraction before the Holidays? Wisdom teeth are the third molars found at the back of the mouth. They normally don’t fully develop because of insufficient room in the mouth. Consequently, this can cause problems over time because your teeth can emerge crooked or get stuck in the jaw.

For most of us, our wisdom teeth grow in between the ages of 17 and 21. Unfortunately, they can also become extremely painful, damage other teeth, and lead to several dental problems as they attempt to grow in. For instance, some of the most common problems include overcrowding and molar impaction. And in many of these cases, a wisdom tooth extraction is necessary, preferably with a skilled oral surgeon.

Beware of Common Signs & Symptoms

Here are some common signs that indicate you need to get your wisdom tooth pulled right away:

Persistent Pain and Swelling

This is possibly the most obvious sign that you just simply cannot ignore. An impacted wisdom tooth may cause a lot of pain and discomfort while it’s trying to grow in. It may also lead to swelling of the overlying gums. Furthermore, the longer you go without treatment, the more discomfort you’ll experience.

One main reason why discomfort will persist is that partially erupted teeth can collect plaque. Since partial eruptions are also hard to reach for cleaning off plaque, eventually your tooth decays and develops an infection. This infection is called pericoronitis and it is quite uncomfortable.

Jaw Stiffness & Headaches

An impacted wisdom tooth can create immense pressure in the mouth, pushing against other teeth. This movement creates a shift in the natural placement of your teeth, thus resulting in stiffness in the jaw. At the same time, this pressure can also cause frequent headaches, sinus pressure, and neck pain depending on whether your troubled tooth is along the jawline or upper maxillary area. All of these signs can indicate that you need your wisdom teeth removed.

Tooth Damage and Dental Trauma

When impacted teeth push against other surrounding teeth and apply pressure, they can damage the adjacent teeth. The presence of the wisdom tooth can crowd the jaw and misalign the entire row of your teeth, thus adversely affecting your appearance and self-confidence.

Furthermore, if you’ve experienced some sort of accident and break a wisdom tooth, you’ll want to have an oral surgeon extract those damaged teeth immediately.


Problematic wisdom teeth can also cause the development of cysts. Cysts are sacks that can develop around the gums and begin to accumulate fluid and decayed tissues from dental growth activities. Cysts can become a problem if your wisdom tooth has an infection due to plaque bacteria and decay.

Without proper treatment, a cyst could cause further damage to your roots and dental bone. Most oral maxillofacial surgeons will safely remove dental cysts along with extracting problem wisdom teeth.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, then be sure to visit an oral surgeon right away. The oral surgeon will properly examine the areas of your mouth, as well as order x-rays to confirm if you need a dental extraction.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The procedure for wisdom tooth removal is simple when you leave your oral surgery and care in the hands of experienced dental practitioners. Depending on the complexity of your case, the surgeon may administer local anesthesia or general sedation.

Fortunately, wisdom tooth removal happens right in the oral surgeon’s office and doesn’t take a long time. Experienced dental physicians will also provide you with post-operative instructions to take home with you for aftercare while you heal. Depending on the type of extraction you receive, your downtime can be a few days to a full week.

You don’t want to deal with tooth pain and headaches over the Holidays, so be sure to see an oral surgeon right away. For more information on wisdom tooth extraction and issues that you’re dealing with pertaining to impaction, contact OMSH at 832-509-4505. You can also schedule an appointment online for added convenience.